International Speakers

Phil Scott
Phil Scott has been in farm animal practice since 1978. His doctorate (DVM&S) was awarded in 1992 for studies on perinatal lamb mortality. Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (FRCVS) was awarded in 1993 for studies on bovine spongiform encephalopathy. He has been a RCVS sheep specialist by examination since 1993 and a Foundation Diplomat of both the European College of Small Ruminant Health Management (ECSRHM) and European College of Bovine Health Management (ECBHM). He is presently a director of a veterinary consultancy practice, Capital Veterinary Services. His work over the past three years has concentrated on the ultrasound diagnosis of OPA and an elimination programme which is in operation in more than 20 flocks totalling more than 30,000 sheep. He is the author of three veterinary textbooks and more than 130 peer-reviewed articles.
- Ultrasound scanning 120-150 sheep per hour: a practitioner’s approach to the cost-effective diagnosis/treatment/monitoring/control of respiratory diseases.
- Using your rectal ultrasound scanner to significantly improve clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis – the evidence from 40 years’ farm animal practice experience.
- Further developing your clinical skills while generating significant new income – what new ultrasound skills can do for your farm animal practice.

Speaker Sponsor:

John Arthington PhD
Professor and Center Director University of Florida, Range Cattle Research and Education Center
John Arthington was raised in north-central Indiana. He is a graduate of the Animal Sciences Departments of Purdue and Kansas State Universities and has been a member of the University of Florida, Animal Sciences faculty since 1998. Currently, he serves as Professor and Director of the University of Florida, Range Cattle Research and Education Center in Ona. As Director, Dr. Arthington is responsible for the administration of the academic resources, faculty, support personnel, facilities, and livestock resources of the 3,000 acre facility. The Center supports seven faculties with emphasis in beef and forage management, pasture weed control, soil and water science, wildlife ecology, and economics.
In addition to the Center Director responsibilities, John holds the rank of Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences. His research program efforts focus on the management and nutrition of grazing beef cattle with a specific focus on mineral nutrition. John is a past President of the American Society of Animal Science’s Southern Section. He has served a 3-year term as Associate Editor for the Journal of Animal Science and also serves on the editorial board for the Professional Animal Scientist Journal. John is a member of the American Society of animal Science, American Dairy Science Association, American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists, Florida Cattlemen’s Association, and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.
- Impacts of injectable trace minerals on vaccine response in mineral-adequate
Learning Outcome: Participants will understand how injectable trace minerals modulate humoral immune responses in cattle, irrespective of initial mineral status. In addition, participants will better understand the nutrient costs of immune system activation. - Potential role for injectable trace minerals to address dietary mineral antagonists
Learning Outcome: Participants will better understand how injectable trace minerals can be applied to a mineral nutrition management program complicated by the presence of mineral antagonists. In addition, the nutritional impacts of sulphur and molybdenum will be explained. - Impact of industrial emissions on trace mineral nutrition of grazing cattle
Learning Outcome: Participants will better understand how industrial emissions contribute
to mineral imbalances in forage and grain crops and how these outcomes may impact the mineral nutrition of cattle consuming these feeds. In addition, potential mineral management scenarios will be explained.

Speaker Sponsor:

Victor S. Cortese
Vic graduated from Michigan State University with his bachelors and doctorate. He received his doctorate in veterinary medicine in 1980. He then entered a predominantly dairy practice in Wisconsin where he also held a non-tenured adjunct professor position with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Veterinary Medicine. In 1989 he joined Diamond Scientific in their technical services department where he was promoted to director of veterinary operations.
In June of 1990 he moved to SmithKline Beech Animal Health (now Zoetis) as a senior technical services veterinarian, with his main emphasis on dairy and its allied sectors. He currently holds the title of Director Technical Services—Cattle Immunology. His responsibility is 75% North American and 25% international. He has many publications on viral infections, immunology, neonatal immunology and young dairy calf management, several textbook chapters and guest lectures at many veterinary and university meetings including the American Association of Bovine Practitioners/World Buiatrics Congress and the AVMA. He received his diplomat status to American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Dairy Practice Specialty) in 1995. In September 1997, at the American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference in Montreal, he received the AABP’s Award for Excellence. In 1999, he successfully completed his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. In 2013, Bovine Veterinarian Magazine selected Dr. Cortese as one of the twenty most influential cattle veterinarians in the United States.
- Changing the Paradigms of Post Stress Immune Suppression – Beef
- Refining Local Immunity
- Changing the Paradigms of Post-partum Immune Suppression – Dairy