Controlled and Notifiable Diseases

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Controlled and Notifiable diseases as submitted to the Sub-Directorate Epidemiology in the Directorate Animal Health at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

According to the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act 35 of 1984) Controlled and Notifiable Diseases must be reported to the local State Veterinarian. The local State Veterinarian compiles a monthly report on diseases that occurred in his/her State Vet Area and submits this report to the Provincial Director of Veterinary Services. At a Provincial level, all these reports are combined to compile a disease report for the province and this report is submitted to the Sub-Directorate Epidemiology in the Directorate Animal Health at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. All the provincial reports are combined to compile a national disease report. Purpose of disease reporting

Reasons for disease reporting are:

  • Proof of freedom
  • Detection of outbreaks of important diseases
    • Prevent the spread of the disease
    • Institute control programs
    • Eradication of a disease
    • Warn neighbouring farmers/trade partners/neighbouring countries
    • Prevent the spread/occurrence of a disease in humans, e.g. rabies
    • Decrease the economic impact of a disease
    • Prevent spread of diseases to trading partners
  • Disease control

Disease Reporting Summaries